Gone camping

Oh hai. I got a few of my necklaces up on chains. The prairie scene didn’t work out so well because I punched the holes too low and the thing just flips upside down if it moves away from your chest at all.

The Otter though, it worked out well.



I look like a loser. Someone please post a recipe.

In the meantime, I am preparing leatherworks for a show at Bike Hounds this Friday night. Please come visit. I’ve got a few new feather cuffs, a couple seatbags and a pair of Pigott Building wallets on the go.

I am also plotting and designing [...]

Spirit of the Season!

I’m feeling giving, but I’m also feeling hungry, so here’s the deal…

I am trying to buy groceries in a fiscally responsible way by “planning ahead.” That is, picking recipes and only shopping for the ingredients within, thereby eliminating the issue of not getting around to using things before they go bad/being in a perpetual [...]